الفرق بين المراجعتين ل"منهج تكنولوجيا المعلومات 2013"

من ويكي أضِف
اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث
(dump of notes)
(لا فرق)

مراجعة 01:00، 2 مايو 2013

Tech track OS

|-- basic computer use
|-- linux install & intro
|-- command line


|-- treasure hunt
|-- bzflag + packets
|-- sockets/packets/client server (not sure what the activity is, I think u suggested one)


|-- create email/facebook accounts, use google, etc.
|-- ???? (No idea for what mainstream track should get)
|-- html/cms


|-- using office/paint/music player/etc.
|-- gimp/inkscape
|-- ??? (No idea what advanced apps activity would be)


|-- find/explore file system/find something not obvious
|-- cros site scripting attack
|-- packet sniffing, ssh, vnc


  • image manupilation
  • audio manupilation
  • animate by code (sprites)
  • video (how does one hack video? Timelapse vid by code maybe?)
  • turtle graphics
  • web programming (could be public api hacks, or full fledged django)
  • scripting (as in os, filesystem, network manupilation)