محضر:Hala Gabr meeting

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مراجعة 17:14، 28 مارس 2015 بواسطة فرح برقاوي (نقاش | مساهمات) (تعديل تصنيفات)
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This was one of a series of meetings to discuss Deca as part of outreach

Hala is a Library Consultant

March 8, 2012

  • Library
  • Deca website with link to digital library
  • make it friendly for all users
  • Relevant reading/search in relation to a specific thematic day - eg women’s day
  • Research Challenge - scavenger hunt - will get the users to interact and get to know the resources available
  • Create an event list of specific days in the year which can be used directly with the resources in the library
  • Workshops she can offer
  • How to use the library
  • Connecting books and activities to create a relationship with reading
  • Origami