تسكين المعسكرين

من ويكي أضِف

  • يتم تحضير قائمة التسكين قبل المعسكر بأسبوع على الأقل
  • يتم التسكين بواقع ثلاثة معسكرين في كل غرفة و ذلك لأسباب تربوية
  • يتم مراعاة أن يكون الثلاثة معسكرين متقاربين في المرحلة العمرية

Girls and boys are roomed in two separate entities (Dependant on the location) Campers are roomed in threes or more (two in a room is not recommended by child educators and behaviorists) Campers of the same age are roomed together (12s,13s etc easier and healthier to group same age in rooming) Campers of different nationalities are roomed together (give a chance to be introduced to different cultures) Friends from before the camps and brothers or sisters are not roomed together (give a chance of meeting new friends) No Changes in Rooming is allowed in general (very specific cases can be considered) ?? need documentation of earlier experiences Rooms Should not have telephones or TVs (campers should not be distracted to their typical habits of watching TV and it effects highly their sleeping patterns, telephones has been proven a nuisance with hotel guests and management and the need to call in emergencies is substituted by the number of campers in each room and the proximity of camp trainers and staff)