ورقة مفهوم حول موسيقى الزبالة للتناغم/English

من ويكي أضِف

Name of the Organization

Rabab Luxor

Title of the Proposed Project

Garbage Music for Harmony

Potential Donor

UN Migration


Egypt remains a destination and transit country for refugees and asylumseekers, most of whom live in urban areas. Until 30 Jun 2018, 228,941 refugees and asylum-seekers of 58 different nationalities are registered with UNHCR Egypt. More than half of them are from Syria.

Despite the absence of a land border with Syria, Egypt has accepted Syrian refugees into Egypt. According to Government estimates, an equal number or more Syrians are unregistered with UNHCR and living in Egypt. Syrian refugees in Egypt do not live in camps, but are living among Egyptian communities across Egypt, with the most impacted governorates being Alexandria, Cairo, Giza, and Qalyubia. While the general protection environment is stable, refugees in Egypt often suffer from loss of hope, deteriorating psychological and medical conditions, and limited livelihood opportunities. They are particularly challenged by lengthy residency procedures, visa limitations and an increasing cost of living. Cost barriers impede access to secure food supply, health care, and education. Apart of poverty refugees in Egypt are vulnerable to workplace exploitation. Physical safety is also a concern, particularly for women, girls and persons living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods who face sexual and gender-based violence, and abuse. As many communities already face difficult living conditions, with unemployment rates and insufficient access to quality services, hosting refugees places additional pressures on limited resources and services. Perceptions of competition increase the risk of social tensions.

Rationale for the Proposed Project

According to 2018-2019 Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP), aiming to strengthen protection and support for Syrian refugees and host communities, targeted assistance must be focused in the areas of protection, food, health, education, livelihood and basic needs, along with community-based interventions. 3RP indicates that there is a need for the expansion of those interventions outside major urban centres of Cairo and Alexandria. The plan also states that there is also a need to expand community-based child protection services that enable children, including unaccompanied and separated children, and young people to interact with host communities in a protective environment. Programmes benefiting both refugee and local communities are able to promote peaceful coexistence while developing such programs in marginalized and out-of-light communities such as Upper Egypt aims to expand existing protection space. Art and cultural programs go beyond the traditional relief efforts that cannot address the whole human cost of displacement, by taking into consideration the needs of the human spirit overlooked by traditional development aid interventions. Based on the above, our intervention aims at supporting the basic human need for creative expression, providing a safe space for self expression, and encouraging the building of shared affinities and support networks.

Project Goals

  • Promoting a vision of a just, tolerant, and compassionate world, where communities that face social disintegration caused by war, displacement, or extreme poverty are able to survive these difficult conditions and come out of them as creative, peaceful and productive human beings.
  • Supporting social inclusion through; improving the ability, opportunity, and dignity of refugees; making them feel valued, and an important part of local communities and bonded together by a common identity and shared values; and improving their acceptance and recognition by integrating them in the web of social relations in local communities.
  • Providing a cultural relief program to contribute in meeting social, cultural and psychological needs of distressed and displaced communities, through releasing their creativity and imagination.
  • Building an environment of safety and trust where the confidentiality and rights of all participants are met.
  • Participating in empowering refugees and local communities by providing cheap tools for free expression and creativity.
  • Contributing to the development of refugees and local communities that are aware of, and concerned about, the environment and its associated problems, and which have the knowledge, skills, attitudes, motivations, and commitment to work individually and collectively towards solutions of current environmental problems.

Project Objectives

  • PO1. Giving 24 participants from refugees and host communities the basic knowledge, skills and practical experience to provide training, care and technical assistance to local communities.
  • PO2. Developing the awareness of 24 participants from refugees and host communities of the environmental problems, and of the economic and cultural potentials that reside in recycling waste.
  • PO3. Enabling 24 participants from refugees and host communities to use their creative and artistic skills to produce cheap tools of free expression.
  • PO4. Promoting music as tools for free expression among marginalized individuals and communities.

Project Strategy

Organize training of trainers (ToT) regular activity through an open call for participation from refugees and host communities in Upper Egypt, encouraging young artists and geeks with interest in the Do it Yourself (DIY) concepts and practices and who have civil social commitment towards their communities, to take part in this ToT. Candidates will be trained through a designed curriculum on soft skills, social pedagogy, child protection and experiential learning methods, as well as introducing them to environmental problems, and of the economic and cultural potentials that reside in recycling waste. Furthermore they will be trained on creating musical instruments through recycling garbage and playing music using them.

Project Activities

  • Act 1.1 Design a curricula on soft skills, social pedagogy, child protection and experiential learning methods.
  • Act 1.2 Provide workshops on soft skills, social pedagogy, child protection and experiential learning methods.
  • Act 2.1 Design a curricula on environmental problems, and of the economic and cultural potentials that reside in recycling waste.
  • Act 2.2 Provide workshops on environmental problems, and of the economic and cultural potentials that reside in recycling waste.
  • Act 3.1 Design a curricula on creating different kinds of musical instruments through recycling waste.
  • Act 3.2 Provide workshops on creating different kinds of musical instruments through recycling waste.
  • Act 4.1 Design a curricula on composing and playing music using instruments made by recycling waste, as well as on building a band as a team and training it on performing art.
  • Act 4.2 Provide workshops on composing and playing music using instruments made by recycling waste, as well as on building a band as a team and training it on performing art.

Expected Results

  • ER1. 24 young artists and geeks from refugees and host communities in Upper Egypt, trained on soft skills, social pedagogy, child protection and experiential learning methods.
  • ER2. 24 young artists and geeks from refugees and host communities awarded of environmental problems, and of the economic and cultural potentials that reside in recycling waste.
  • ER3. 12 young geeks from refugees and host communities trained on creating different kinds of musical instruments through recycling waste.
  • ER4. 12 young artists from refugees and host communities trained on composing and playing music using instruments made by recycling waste, as well as on building a band as a team and training it on performing art.


There are plenty of initiatives that are active in the field of art education; there are other environmental projects that target youth from refugees and host communities. However, the uniqueness of the Garbage Music for Harmony project resides in its adoption of an intersectional approach to development that bridges art education and environmental awareness.

Organizational Background

Driven by passion for music, art, love of experimentation and co-learning, Rabab Luxor is an art organization started by a group of artists from Upper Egypt in 2017. Our aim is to spread art all over Egypt. We are an organization that is democratically and independently run. With the little means we have, we still dream big. Our activities include The Garbage Music Project, which is a project that targets marginalized children, boys and girls, between the age of 12 and 16 years old in Luxor city in Upper Egypt. The project bridges art and environmental awareness to promote environmental sustainability and social inclusion through enabling children’s creative and artistic expression. Over the course of 4 months, children learn, through a designed curriculum, and through fun, playing, and experimentation about environmental sustainability; how to recycle garbage; how to create musical instruments through recycling; how to play music; and to share their creation with the world through public music performances.

Estimate Budget

20,000.00 €

Contact Information

Rabab Luxor rababluxor@gmail.com

Contact Person Gehan Shaaban Cultural Programmes Manager gehan.shaaban@gmail.com