LOI Letter Of Intent
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LOI Letter Of Intent
Description :
A new user or a requester of a grant will have to fill a letter of intent LOI as a first stage of the granting process a simple discription of the project and the main contact person info (basically name and email) are identified. Also the simple money ask the duration and start of the project and the main PROGRAM that he is applying for
Data :
Welcome to the Foundation's Grants Portal
Pellentesque vel dui sed orci faucibus iaculis. Suspendisse dictum magna id purus tincidunt rutrum. Nulla congue. Vivamus sit amet lorem posuere dui vulputate ornare. Phasellus mattis sollicitudin ligula.
- Your Name
- Applicant/ Organization Name
- Applicant/ Organization EIN
- Phone
- Mailing Address
- Mailing Address 2
- Country:
- State/Province:
- City
- Postal Code
- Project title
- Project summary
- Amount requested:
- Projected Start Date
- Projected Duration (months)
- Program
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