المجال: | الفنون البصرية
مطور المنهج: | كندة وزينة
نبذة عن المنهج /المجال منطقه وسياقه: | بلا بلا بلا
الأهداف الخاصة بالمنهج: | بلا بلا بلا
إرشادات للمدرب: | بلا بلا بلا
المدرب المثالي: |
{{#default_form:ورشة معسكرات}}
لتعديل هذه الصفحة استخدم الاستمارة: خاص:تعديل_البيانات/ورشة_معسكرات/Emoticons
المجال | ,|x|في مجال::x}} | المدة | مدة::1.5 دقيقة |
أهداف الورشة | ,|x|هدف ورشة::x}} | ||
الأهداف التربوية | ,|x|هدف تربوي::x}} | طورها | ,|var|var|،}}|،|x|مطور::x}} |
ملخص | ملخص:: |
{{#arraymap:الفنون البصرية|,|x|}}
جلسة Emoticons | |
مكان التنفيذ | ,|x|ميزة مكان::x}} |
أهداف الجلسة التربوية | ,|x|هدف تربوي::x}} |
أهداف الجلسة | ,|x|هدف ورشة::x}} |
الإنجازات | ,|var|var|،}}|،|x|x}} |
المعدات | ,|var|var|،}}|،|x|أداة::x}} |
خامات | ،|x|خامة::x}} |
مطبوعات | ,|var|var|،}}|،|X|20px|thumb|X}} |
وسائل إيضاح | وسيلة إيضاح:: |
تحضير ما قبل الجلسة
الخطوات التفصيلية للجلسة
they get divided into groups of 2, each person takes a photo of the other person full length (from head to feet, largest image) in 4 different facial and body expressions in each photo they look in a different direction: up, down, left, right not to look at the camera
explain it has to be clear which emotion are we expressing
15 minutes
put them in a shared folder, explain that we will have to look online for photos that contain elements that can be the cause of this facial expression.
- explain that they can extract the element to include it in their own photo or extract themselves to include themselves in the found photo
each participant can use his own photos or any of the other participants photos
5 minutes
layers explaining gimp selection tools + canvas size + scaling + importing as layer + flip horizental and vertical + move + zoom + rotate + text
25 minutes
they start looking online for an image that is the reason of this facial expression
then crop it and introduce to the image they want.
if they want and have the time, they can retake the facial expression in an environment that suits the integration of the object better
if we still have time, mention orally how ppl can easily manipulate images by cropping them or adding objects to them or etc...
40 minutes