الأدوار المطلوبة لأداء الوظائف/English

من ويكي أضِف
اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث

Required roles for each component assigned to one of ADEFs memebrs:


Localities mapping

Logistician (part time)
to manage all the logistics pertaining to conducting localities mapping workshops and/or trainings; i.e contact stakeholders to agree on suitable meeting and working dates and times, reserve spaces and facilities, issue invitations and correspond with invited participants, prepare refreshments etc for participants.
experts in their domains who are not normally members of ADEF but are from our network. Fields of expertise include: urbanism, OSM technicalities, GPS and surveying.

Knowledge productions

To prepare material for publishing, proofread and copyedit papers and articles. Should ideally also be involved in gardening our Wiki and be able to publish on our website. Must acquire comprehensive understanding of were knowledge is produced in ADEF and its different containers: Wiki, website, archival platforms, etc. Must have very good Arabic language, and should ideally have good English language as to be able to proofread translations.

Tools development

Software developer
To implement the improvements we need for our own use in the knowledge management systems we use; such as the wiki. The candidate should ideally be involved in FOSS communities and projects as to be able to contribute those enhancements back.