ملتقى تطوير المناهج لمعسكرات الإعلام الحر مايو 2014/English

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Because ADEF’s interventions are structured to target an array of issues within a process, and to reach practical propositions of working with a younger generation who could be the pioneers of a new media proposition, ADEF held a three-day retreat that was attended by 19 prominent media professionals who have over the past three years proposed and affected a new narrative in institutional media.

The overall aim of this gathering was to follow up on the progress of the intervention’s design phase and to present, discuss and further develop the responsibilities of the camp’s core team and assess its performance since last January.

The results of this retreat was an agreement on the following:

  • Camp’s vision and objectives
  • Camp’s structure
  • Main media-related issues that are to be tackled during the camp
  • Camp’s main and complementary training fields
  • Finalize the camp’s team by looking at and discussing the applications for co-training positions.

This retreat is the second stage of a longer process – initially planned for 2014- 2015 – during which ADEF along with partners such as IMS would develop activities constituting a serious effort to impact an intervention in media in Egypt.