Ahmed Abdallah meeting

من ويكي أضِف
اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث

  • ADEF board member and filmmaker
  • meeting: 23rd feb 12
  • sound studio should be small - it is a good size
  • not believe in teaching people how to be filmmakers - people learn as they do it. but what could offer is 1 day film making workshops, using phones and laptops not fancy equipment
  • he would be happy to do workshops
  • have weekly workshops - each week with a different filmmaker - some are workshops, and some film showings
  • make deals for renting space. re: the idea that people who cannot afford to rent would pay in kind eg by offering workshops - he said this was a risk and could be difficult, cannot be 100% sure that they know what they are doing running a workshop
  • re rental of editing space etc - better to have a long term deal so not to have a headache - will not make money out of lots of small films - need some deals of 6 months
  • rental would need to be available thro the night
  • self-sustainability

Have a line of short films. Produce and sell them. Create own projects. Music album, soundtrack, musicians, record, and sell them for revenue - - how would this fit with principles of creative commons, open source etc Subtitles - especially if it comes with a file - title, credits, telecorrection, graphics, effects

  • see Maktabat Alex - young filmmakers pay LE5000 for programme and in the end Maktabat Alex owns the films, can sell them etc
  • Places in Cairo and Alexandria he strongly suggests visiting as examples of successful community spaces

Makttabat Alexandria El-Teatro - in Alexandria on Shara3 Fouad - space for filmmaking El Kabina - downtown Alexandria - close to Sharia Fouad Ghamet - in Moqattam

  • Contacts for possible workshop facilitators

Hesham Saqr - editing, set design, sound design, posters Sahma Radwan - sound editing

  • Contact for help with pricing of rental spaces

Hany Saqr - brother of Hesham Saqr