Pandora image
اذهب إلى التنقل
اذهب إلى البحث
It is a project to build an image archive based on the suggested methodology is to go into the code from pandora+client and change one to one from video to image
Suggested steps
The suggested step to modify and hack pandora to pandora_image is:
- Make pandora and pandora_client act on images instead of videos
- Make pandora Items, Clips, Media and files and derivatives reflect the logic of images instead the logic of videos
- Add image spicific functionalities and features
software development management
We are going to use github to manage commits checkouts and changes to use github floow the instructions
- first go to [1] and create an account
- edit your profile and add you ssh public key
- install git
sudo apt-get install git
- install bzr
sudo apt-get install bzr-git
- create a directory to put your code and the cd to it
- for pandora
bzr branch
- for pandora client
bzr branch
change the code you are working on then
commit locally
- tell git who you are
bzr whoami "yourname <your@email>"
- check the differences
bzr diff
- add changes (in the example all changes
bzr add .
- commit and comment
bzr commit -m "this is what i did"
commit to github
- for pandora
bzr dpush,branch=master
- for pandora client
bzr dpush,branch=master
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