The power loom workshop

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The power loom workshop

Objective: The power loom workshop aimed to assemble a small-sized power loom machine. The workshop was open to the public for anyone interested in 3D printing and textiles. Facilitators: Eslam and Bagato Assembly Process: The assembly process was more of an experimental process as facilitators were figuring out the mechanism and steps of assembly. Parts drawings and the assembly kit were bought online for around 20 USD. Drawings were fabricated in ADEF Fab lab for 3D printing with PLA and laser cutting for acrylic and metal rods. Challenges: The provided kit and documentation were not detailed or clear. The documentation language of the kit was hard to read and did not follow a sequence order. Parts were not labeled, and the provided video was not aligned with the printed parts. Some assembly sections, such as nuts not fitting or aligning correctly, posed problems. Assembly Process: With trial and error, and learning by doing, the loom was assembled. The mechanics of looming started to show out as the assembly progressed. Duration: The workshop took longer than expected due to challenges in the assembly process. Facilitators' Efforts: Both facilitators worked extensively between days to figure out solutions. Parts were reprinted with modifications in order to assemble the loom machine successfully.