Vision/mission, goals, principles - deca
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Vision / Mission
- Foster collaborative, cooperative and participatory knowledge production / sharing
- Bridging the digital divide , between national and international communities
- To be an open space for self expression
- Community has ownership of space
- Open access to modern digital tools for self expression for all
- Vibrant Arab Digital and Self Expression Community
- Active citizens participating in shaping their lives and futures – in economic, social, political, cultural spheres
- We stand as a hub ...
- Informal, collaborative, participatory Education
- Self sustainability
Goals / Objectives
- Increase access to digital tools for the local community
- Develop digital literacy - ICTs, Open source, computer classes etc
- Support/develop artistic and creative expression using digital tools
- Increase Arabic content in the digital world
- Implement a rich program developing self-expression tools and skills including digital (film making, video-editing, use of open source software, animation, web design .. ) music, but also drama, dance, arts and crafts etc...through workshops, screenings, exhibitions, trainings
- Foster the development of skills, confidence, potential, critical thinking and initiative
- Encourage/develop/support artistic, creative + digital self expression
- Implement a fun + experiential based informal education program + expression curricula
- Encourage cross-generational collaboration
- Mentoring local youth
- Foster collaborative, cooperative and participatory knowledge production + knowledge sharing
- Support of physical and mental space for self expression – encouraging creativity
- Provide a permanent open space and open studio for self expression within a free / safe environment
- Developing collaborative projects between youth, artists, techies, and educational experts
- Bringing community together and encourage networking amongst organizations and individuals
- Supporting new and existing initiatives in self expression who are in need of space + facilities
- Community initiated activities
- Implement training of trainers program – digital and soft skills
- Build on ADEF's previous work + experience, and diversity its participants
- Create a replicable model
Concepts / Principles
- Collaborative, cooperative and participatory knowledge production
- Open access to all production
- Everyone has the right/opportunity to self expression and access to digital tools
- Community ownership
- Empowerment, with a focus on youth
- Participatory and collaborative processes – learning should be fun
- Free expression
- Self sustainability – expertise, finances etc
- Arabization of digital tools + practices
- Shared responsibility and authority
- Non hierarchical / collective decision making